

Rockies 3

On the final day of the Rockies tour.

We left the hotel for Vancouver at 8:45am.
Also we travelled constantly about 9 hours.

We saw a lot of nature on the Rockies tour.
There're really nice views,clear water,so many forests and the sound of wind in the trees,then I felt comfortable.

I took a lot of pictures, so I'll share pictures with my class mates and my friends.
We have precious and pleasant memories.

Anyway,I'm a little tired, so I'll swim in the pool,take a bath and take a rest early.

Tommorow,I must remember to wake up on time!!!
Don't over sleep,don't over sleep.......zzzzz......

2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

when did you go back to japan!?
I didn't know!!
how are you,
what are u doing!?

kimu さんのコメント...

Hi,long time no see.

I'm fine and little bit busy now, but I'm enjoing my life.
I've jyoined a volunteer group in Japan,so still in work.

How are you??what are you doing??